A simple and easy way to find and track your lost luggage

Timeframe: 24 hours

Timeframe: 24 hours

Client: SITA, Re:coding Aviation Hackathon

My Role: Concept Development, UX Research, UI Design


Arriving at the hackathon, our first challenge was to identify the passenger’s pain points after the landing process.

We started mapping out the user journey, iterating on the steps with the help of mentors from Schipol airport and SITA. Interviewing other hackathon participants and conducting online research simultaneously.


Problem Definition

Through all the complexities of the post-landing user journey, we discovered that lost luggage plays a crucial role and the biggest setback for the user.

Air flight companies have not addressed this issue properly and since it involves several parties, they require a tool to help organize the lost luggage issues for better user satisfaction.

Through all the complexities of the post-landing user journey, we discovered that lost luggage plays a crucial role and the biggest setback for the user.

Air flight companies have not addressed this issue properly and since it involves several parties, they require a tool to help organize the lost luggage issues for better user satisfaction.

Our Goal: to Simplify the negative impact and uncertainty of lost baggage and inform passengers on the next step of action

Our Goal: to Simplify the negative impact and uncertainty of lost baggage and inform passengers on next step of action


Pain Points

We quickly dived into interviewing different users, defining the top major pain points about the situation and the lost luggage recovery process:

1. Uncertainty over what happened to their luggage

2. What they can do and whom to contact

3. When will they get their luggage back

We quickly dived into interviewing different users, defining the top major pain points about the situation and the lost luggage recovery process:

1. Uncertainty over what happened to their luggage

2. What they can do and who to contact

3. When will they get their luggage back

Final Concept

We brainstormed about possible solutions using a quick design thinking session and concluded that the solution should be simple, we did not want to force people to download another app, we wanted a more direct solution so we decided to use an SMS code generator that leads to a very simple mobile landing page. The user can access it easily, it is undisruptive to his journey and can be used on most devices and it only informs on crucial matter and needed actions.

We started creating a user flow to fit with the user journey and the actions needed to be taken by the user, followed by wireframing and ideating the content and phrasing the issues and solutions in the most clear and reassuring way possible.



I created UI mockups based on our wireframes and we revised them a few time to make sure they fit the pain points we researched.

After coming up with satisfying results we tested the prototype with passing users and consulted with the airport experts on sight.



I learned quite a lot working with a very diverse team and trying to find our challenge within the post-landing phase in very limited time was very an interesting process.

Doing very quick validation for an idea in order to develop it quickly but surely was also a very intriguing process that I think many hackathon projects or startup ideas lack of a lot of times.

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